Tea with Mary

Tea with Mary
Franciscan Saints

Lives of Franciscan Saints

Radio Immaculata is a 24 hour radio station which is run by the friars. Listeners can tune in at any time to interesting talks, homilies, prayers and devotions from wherever they are. Our station can be accessed online (click here) or you can also download our app which is available on iTunes and Google Play stores.

Fides Catholica is an Italian theological journal curated by Fr Serafino Lanzetta and which is released every six months. The magazine is mainly characterized by a triple educational section:
Historica, in which theological issues which unfold in a historical context are examined;
Theologica, in which various areas of sacred knowledge are explored whilst always having as a guideline a theological-critical reading; and
Commentaria, which is dedicated first of all to the deepening of knowledge of the Pontifical Magisterium, then to significant theological works.
At the moment Fides Catholica can only be accessed in the Italian language, but we advise you to check out the Fides Catholica Website.
Linked to Fides Catholica is also a YouTube channel where Father Serafino gives catechesis and streams a live show every Monday afternoon at 4.30 pm GMT. He takes questions in the live show so if you are interested be sure to check it out.