about us

A vocation to the religious life is the most beautiful gift which God can bestow upon a soul. It is our duty therefore to carefully discern whether or not we are called, for it would be an injustice to ignore our Lord’s guiding hand. Moreover, unless we live in the state of life which God desires for us, we will never be truly fulfilled or satisfied in our days in this world. For these reasons, spending time in prayer and discernment to better understand God’s will for us is of great importance.

Marian Outreach
As Franciscans, we are inspired by this beautiful devotion of our Seraphic Father, and we seek to imitate this great Saint in consecrating ourselves entirely to Mary in order to give ourselves entirely to Christ. This is the foundation of our way of life, which is characterised by our vow of unlimited consecration to our Lady.
The blessing of our Seraphic Father Saint Francis
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He show His face to you and have mercy on you. May He turn His countenance towards you and give you peace.
St. Joseph's Friary Portsmouth
St. Joseph's Presbytery
1 Milton Road
Tel: 02392 831245
St Mary's Friary Dundee
Vocation Enquiries